
11 Ways in which UX Design Helps Businesses to Become Successful

User experience (UX) design is the process of creating an interactive user experience. It involves enhancing the overall user experience by helping users accomplish their goals and needs in a better way. In short, it helps businesses to achieve their business goals and make profits by providing a better customer service experience than competitors can offer. The following are some key benefits of UX design for businesses across the world in the modern age of information and digital technology.

9 Ways to Get Started in UX Design with No Prior Experience or Education

It's no secret that designing user interfaces and designing for the web are two of the fastest-growing industries in the world. The field of UX design is constantly evolving and being revolutionized by new technologies, processes, and buzzwords. In this guide, we'll outline nine ways you can get started with UX design without any previous work experience or even academic background. 

9 Reasons Why You Should Learn Coding as a UI/UX or Visual Designer

I've heard, seen, and, personally, been through this dilemma of code or not to code for months now. In this article, I'm going to share with you 9 solid reasons why I believe learning to code will be a profitable investment on your end as a designer in the 21st century.  But before I begin, I know some of you may believe differently and that's totally respectable. I don't intend to convince you to enroll yourself in a coding Bootcamp.  I intend you to look at the infinite possibilities that open up when you, as a designer, supplement your design career with development tools like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular, React, etc. 

25 Inspiring Biography Books to Make You a Successful Designer & Entrepreneur in 2022

From tech innovators like Steve Jobs to creators of the world's largest brands like Nike, these 25 biographies are going to give you a fascinating insight into the stories of people who've revolutionized our lives. Without the grit, perseverance, and creative efforts of such innovators, we wouldn't be living the way we are right now. The impact these high-performing individuals have had on all of our lives is incredible. 

For Aspiring UX Designers: 11 Things You Must Know about UX Design Career!

The most intriguing but perhaps also most delusional thing about User Experience Design is that it's not just a single one-track career option like law, medicine, engineering, or finance.  Surprisingly instead, UX is actually a collection of a holistic host of careers that all tend to focus on the basic needs, aspirations, and experiences of the users using a product or a service. This collection is largely centered at the point where users meet technology, where people meet digital interfaces, and where you and I encounter digital devices on a daily basis. 

Fitts’s Law of Acquiring Touch Targets: Why We Want the Buttons to be Bigger, Bolder & Brighter?

Fitts's Law states that the time to attain a target is directly related to the distance of the target and its relative size. In UX Design, this means that all the links or touch buttons should be large enough or the user will take too much time finding them.  They should be placed with enough white spaces in between, i.e. they shouldn't be cramped up with other content, or else, the user will accidentally click on a link that wasn't supposed to be clicked, and be frustrated with the interface.  And lastly, the links or buttons or touch targets must be placed in a reachable location on the screen, such that they can be easily acquired without having to search for the same.  But Why so? and How to? Read on to find out!