
Showing posts with the label UX Laws

Fitts’s Law of Acquiring Touch Targets: Why We Want the Buttons to be Bigger, Bolder & Brighter?

Fitts's Law states that the time to attain a target is directly related to the distance of the target and its relative size. In UX Design, this means that all the links or touch buttons should be large enough or the user will take too much time finding them.  They should be placed with enough white spaces in between, i.e. they shouldn't be cramped up with other content, or else, the user will accidentally click on a link that wasn't supposed to be clicked, and be frustrated with the interface.  And lastly, the links or buttons or touch targets must be placed in a reachable location on the screen, such that they can be easily acquired without having to search for the same.  But Why so? and How to? Read on to find out!