Eventful Calendar Management: Displaying Events and Enabling CRUD Operations on Ionic Calendar with Firebase Database (Part 16) in Your Angular-15 Ionic-7 App

Welcome back to our ongoing series on building a multiplatform application with Angular-15 and Ionic-7! In our previous articles, we explored various aspects of app development, including authentication, data management, task organization, and calendar integration. Today, in Part 16, we're taking our calendar functionality to the next level by incorporating Firebase Database to display events and perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on the Ionic Calendar.

Effective event management is crucial for many applications, enabling users to stay on top of their schedules and plan their activities efficiently. By integrating Firebase Database with the Ionic Calendar in our Angular-15 Ionic-7 app, we can seamlessly display events within the calendar and provide users with the ability to create, edit, and delete events effortlessly.

In this installment, we'll guide you through the process of integrating the Firebase Database with the Ionic Calendar in our app. We'll start by setting up Firebase, initializing the Firebase Database, and configuring the necessary security rules to ensure data integrity. Next, we'll enhance our calendar interface to display events dynamically, allowing users to view their scheduled activities directly within the calendar.

But we won't stop there. We'll delve into the implementation details, demonstrating how to perform CRUD operations on events using Firebase Database. You'll learn how to create new events, fetch existing events, update event details, and remove unwanted events, all while seamlessly synchronizing the data between the Ionic Calendar and Firebase Database.

Throughout this tutorial, we'll emphasize best practices for event management, data organization, and error handling. By the end of this article, you'll have a solid understanding of how to leverage Firebase Database to display events within the Ionic Calendar and enable seamless CRUD operations in your Angular-15 Ionic-7 app.

So, join us in Part 16 of our series as we embark on a journey to enhance our calendar functionality with Firebase Database integration. Together, let's empower our app with the ability to display events and perform CRUD operations, offering users a comprehensive and efficient event management experience. Get ready to elevate your app's functionality and user experience to new heights!


I will take the previously created schedule page which displays the calendar component imported from the npm library, and use the Firebase cloud database to update the calendar with events.

First, I will add the logic to access the Firebase database in the previously created diary-data.page.ts file in the following way:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import {
  Firestore, collectionData, collection, docData, doc, addDoc, deleteDoc, updateDoc, DocumentData, getDocs, query, where,} from '@angular/fire/firestore';

import { Observable, map } from 'rxjs';

export interface Event {
  id?: string;
  title: string;
  description: string;
  startTime: Date;
  endTime: Date;

  providedIn: 'root',
export class DiaryDataService {
  constructor(private firestore: Firestore) {} // inject the firestore service

  //add event to the firestore
  addEvent(event: Event) {
    const eventsRef = collection(this.firestore, 'events'); // create a reference to the events collection
    return addDoc(eventsRef, event); // add the event to the firestore

  //get events from firestore and map the Firestore Timestamp objects to Date objects with the appropriate format
  getEvents(): Observable<Event[]> {
    // return an observable of type Event[]
    // create a reference to the events collection
    const eventsRef = collection(this.firestore, 'events');
    // added the idField option to the collectionData operator
    // to get the id of the document
    return collectionData(eventsRef, { idField: 'id' }).pipe(
      map((events) =>
        events.map((event) => {
          // convert the Firestore Timestamp objects to Date objects with the appropriate format
          return {
            id: event['id'],
            title: event['title'],
            description: event['description'],
            startTime: new Date(event['startTime'].seconds * 1000), // convert the Firestore Timestamp objects to Date objects with the appropriate format
            endTime: new Date(event['endTime'].seconds * 1000), // convert the Firestore Timestamp objects to Date objects with the appropriate format

  // get event by id and map the Firestore Timestamp objects to Date objects with the appropriate format
  getEventById(id: string): Observable<Event> {
    // return an observable of type Event
    const eventDocRef = doc(this.firestore, `events/${id}`); // create a reference to the event document
    return docData(eventDocRef, { idField: 'id' }).pipe(
      map((event) => {
        // convert the Firestore Timestamp objects to Date objects with the appropriate format
        return {
          id: event['id'],
          title: event['title'],
          description: event['description'],
          startTime: new Date(event['startTime'].seconds * 1000), // convert the Firestore Timestamp objects to Date objects with the appropriate format
          endTime: new Date(event['endTime'].seconds * 1000), // convert the Firestore Timestamp objects to Date objects with the appropriate format

  async updateEvent(event: Event) {
    const eventDocRef = doc(this.firestore, `events/${event.id}`); // create a reference to the event document
    return updateDoc(eventDocRef, {
      // update the event in the firestore with the new title and text passed in the event object
      title: event.title,
      description: event.description,
      startTime: event.startTime,
      endTime: event.endTime,
    }); // update the event in the firestore

  //delete event from the firestore
  deleteEventById(event: Event) {
    const eventDocRef = doc(this.firestore, `events/${event.id}`); // create a reference to the event document
    return deleteDoc(eventDocRef); // delete the event from the firestore by passing the event id to the deleteDoc method to delete the event document

In the above code, I’ve defined a service called DiaryDataService that interacts with a Firebase Firestore database to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on events.

The constructor method of the service takes an instance of the Firestore class and injects it into the service as private property.

The addEvent method takes an Event object and adds it to the events collection in the Firestore database by creating a reference to the collection and using the addDoc method to add the event to the collection.

The getEvents method returns an Observable of an array of Event objects by creating a reference to the events collection and using the collectionData method to get the data from the collection. It then maps the Firestore Timestamp objects to Date objects with the appropriate format using the map operator.

The getEventById method takes an event ID and returns an Observable of an Event object by creating a reference to the event document with the specified ID and using the docData method to get the data from the document. It also maps the Firestore Timestamp objects to Date objects with the appropriate format using the map operator.

The updateEvent method takes an Event object and updates the corresponding event document in the events collection in the Firestore database by creating a reference to the event document and using the updateDoc method to update the event with the new title, description, start time, and end time.

The deleteEventById method takes an Event object and deletes the corresponding event document from the events collection in the Firestore database by creating a reference to the event document and using the deleteDoc method to delete the document.

Next, I will import the service and use to implement CRUD functionality in diary.page.ts file:

import { DiaryDataService, Event } from 'src/app/services/diary-data.service';
import { RouterLink } from '@angular/router';
import { CalModalPage } from '../cal-modal/cal-modal.page';
import { NgCalendarModule } from 'ionic2-calendar';
import { CalendarMode } from 'ionic2-calendar/calendar.interface';
import { Step } from 'ionic2-calendar/calendar.interface';
import { CalUpdateModalPage } from '../cal-update-modal/cal-update-modal.page';

  selector: 'app-diary',
  templateUrl: './diary.page.html',
  styleUrls: ['./diary.page.scss'],
  standalone: true,
  imports: [RouterLink, CalModalPage, NgCalendarModule, CalUpdateModalPage,],})

export class DiaryPage implements OnInit {
  selectTabs: string = 'notes'; // set the default tab

  //for ionic calendar
  eventSource: any = [];
  viewTitle!: string;
  isToday!: boolean;
  showAddEvent: boolean = false;

    private diaryDataService: DiaryDataService,
    private modalCtrl: ModalController,
  ) {
        this.diaryDataService.getEvents().subscribe((res) => {
      // get the events from the diary data service
      // console.log(res);
      // subscribe to the events observable
      this.eventSource = res; // assign the event Source property to the array of events returned by the observable so that they are visible on the calendar
  ngOnInit() {}

  // ------------------CALENDAR------------------//

  newEvent: Event = {
    // create a new event object with default values
    title: '',
    description: '',
    startTime: new Date(),
    endTime: new Date(),

  calendar = {
    // set the calendar properties
    mode: 'month' as CalendarMode, // set the calendar mode
    currentDate: new Date(), // set the current date
    step: 30 as Step,

  onViewTitleChanged(title: any) {
    this.viewTitle = title;

  //add new event to the calendar and firebase database using the add event modal
  async addNewEvent() {
    const modal = await this.modalCtrl.create({
      // create a modal controller
      component: CalModalPage, // set the component to the modal page
      cssClass: 'add-event-modal', // set the css class
      componentProps: {
        id: this.newEvent.id, // set the component props
      breakpoints: [0, 0.75, 1], // set the breakpoints
      initialBreakpoint: 0.75, // set the initial breakpoint

    return await modal.present(); // present the modal

  async onEventSelected(event: any) {
    this.newEvent = event;
    console.log('Event Selected:' + event.startTime + '-' + event.endTime);
    //create a modal to show the event details when the event is clicked and allow users to update and delete the event from the modal
    const modal = await this.modalCtrl.create({
      // create a modal controller
      component: CalUpdateModalPage, // set the component to the modal page
      cssClass: 'update-event-modal', // set the css class
      componentProps: {
        event: this.newEvent, // set the component props
        id: this.newEvent.id, // set the component props
        title: this.newEvent.title, // set the component props
        description: this.newEvent.description, // set the component props
        startTime: this.newEvent.startTime, // set the component props
        endTime: this.newEvent.endTime, // set the component props
      breakpoints: [0, 0.75, 1], // set the breakpoints
      initialBreakpoint: 0.75, // set the initial breakpoint
    return await modal.present(); // present the modal

  changeMode(mode: any) {
    this.calendar.mode = mode;

  today() {
    this.calendar.currentDate = new Date();

  onTimeSelected(ev: any) {
      'Selected time: ' +
        ev.selectedTime +
        ', hasEvents: ' +
        (ev.events !== undefined && ev.events.length !== 0) +
        ', disabled: ' +

  onCurrentDateChanged(event: Date) {
    var today = new Date();
    today.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
    event.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
    this.isToday = today.getTime() === event.getTime();

  onRangeChanged(ev: any) {
      'range changed: startTime: ' + ev.startTime + ', endTime: ' + ev.endTime

  markDisabled = (date: Date) => {
    var current = new Date();
    current.setHours(0, 0, 0);
    return date < current;

The first code block defines an asynchronous function called addNewEvent() which is used to add a new event to the calendar and Firebase database by opening a modal dialog. The method first creates a new modal using the ModalController.create() method, which takes an object as a parameter that specifies the properties of the modal. The component property specifies the component that will be used as the content of the modal, in this case, the CalModalPage component. The cssClass property is used to specify the CSS class to apply to the modal, and the componentProps property is used to pass data to the component. In this case, it is passing the id property of the newEvent object. The breakpoints and initialBreakpoint properties are used to set the breakpoints for the modal. Finally, the modal.present() method is called to present the modal to the user.

The second code block defines another asynchronous function called onEventSelected() which is triggered when an event is selected on the calendar. This function sets the newEvent property to the selected event and then creates a new modal using the ModalController.create() method.

The component property specifies the component that will be used as the content of the modal, in this case the CalUpdateModalPage component. The cssClass property is used to specify the CSS class to apply to the modal, and the componentProps property is used to pass data to the component. In this case, it is passing the properties of the newEvent object, including its id, title, description, startTime, and endTime properties. The breakpoints and initialBreakpoint properties are used to set the breakpoints for the modal. Finally, the modal.present() method is called to present the modal to the user. The modal allows the user to view and update the event details or delete the event.

Next, I will write the logic to add a new event within the cal-modal.page.ts file like this:

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { IonicModule, ToastController } from '@ionic/angular';
import { ModalController } from '@ionic/angular';
import { DiaryDataService, Event } from 'src/app/services/diary-data.service';

  selector: 'app-cal-modal',
  templateUrl: './cal-modal.page.html',
  styleUrls: ['./cal-modal.page.scss'],
  standalone: true,
  imports: [IonicModule, CommonModule, FormsModule],
export class CalModalPage implements OnInit {
  newEvent: Event = {
    title: '',
    description: '',
    startTime: new Date(),
    endTime: new Date(),

    private modalCtrl: ModalController,
    private diaryDataService: DiaryDataService,
    private toastCtrl: ToastController
  ) {}

  ngOnInit() {}

  updateStartTime(event: any) {
    // update the startTime property of the newEvent object with the value from the ion-datetime
    // console.log('startTime: ' + event.detail.value);
    this.newEvent.startTime = new Date(event.detail.value);

  updateEndTime(event: any) {
    // update the endTime property of the newEvent object with the value from the ion-datetime
    // console.log('endTime: ' + event.detail.value);
    this.newEvent.endTime = new Date(event.detail.value);

  async saveEvent() {
    // save the event to the firestore database
    // console.log(event);
    // add the event to the firestore
    await this.diaryDataService.addEvent(this.newEvent);
    // show a toast message
    const toast = await this.toastCtrl.create({
      message: 'Event added',
      duration: 2000,
    // dismiss the modal
    await this.modalCtrl.dismiss();

    // reset the newEvent object
    this.newEvent = {
      title: '',
      description: '',
      startTime: new Date(),
      endTime: new Date(),

  //dismiss the modal
  async cancelEvent() {
    await this.modalCtrl.dismiss();

  dismissModal() {
    //dismiss the modal

The above code has a newEvent property of type Event, which is initialized to an object with default values for the title, description, startTime, and endTime properties. The constructor of this component takes in three dependencies: ModalController, DiaryDataService, and ToastController. The updateStartTime() method updates the startTime property of the newEvent object with the value from an ion-datetime input element. The updateEndTime() method updates the endTime property of the newEvent object with the value from an ion-datetime input element. This is referred from:

ion-datetime | Ionic Documentation

The saveEvent() method adds the newEvent object to the Firestore database using the DiaryDataService, and shows a toast message to the user indicating that the event has been added. It then dismisses the modal using the ModalController and resets the newEvent object to its default values. The cancelEvent() and dismissModal() method simply dismisses the modal using the ModalController.

Now I will use the above logic within the template file i.e. cal-modal.page.html like this:

<ion-header [translucent]="true">
    <ion-title>Add New Event</ion-title>
    <ion-button slot="end" fill="clear" (click)="dismissModal()">
      <ion-icon slot="icon-only" color="dark" name="close"></ion-icon>

<ion-content [fullscreen]="true">
  <ion-list lines="none">
        label="Event Title"

        label="Event Description"

      <ion-label>Start Date</ion-label>
      <ion-datetime-button datetime="datetime"></ion-datetime-button>
      <ion-modal [keepContentsMounted]="true">

      <ion-label>End Date</ion-label>
      <ion-datetime-button datetime="datetime2"></ion-datetime-button>
      <ion-modal [keepContentsMounted]="true">

      class="ion-padding ion-margin"
      Save Event
      class="ion-padding ion-margin"

In above code, the <ion-content> component contains an <ion-list> with several <ion-item> components that allow the user to input the event's title, description, start and end times. The title and description fields are implemented using <ion-input> components with the ngModel directive for two-way data binding to the newEvent object's title and description properties.

The start and end time fields are implemented using <ion-item> components with an <ion-label> and an <ion-datetime-button> to open a modal that contains an <ion-datetime> component. The ionChange event is used to update the newEvent object's startTime and endTime properties. Two <ion-button> components are used for saving and cancelling the event. The "Save Event" button calls the saveEvent() method, which adds the newEvent object to the database using the DiaryDataService and displays a toast message before dismissing the modal. The "Cancel" button calls the cancelEvent() method, which simply dismisses the modal.

Once the add event function is built, I will move on to create the logic for updating and deleting the event in cal-update-modal.page.ts file in the following way:

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { IonicModule } from '@ionic/angular';
import { Input } from '@angular/core';
import { ModalController } from '@ionic/angular';
import { DiaryDataService, Event } from 'src/app/services/diary-data.service';
import { ToastController } from '@ionic/angular';

  selector: 'app-cal-update-modal',
  templateUrl: './cal-update-modal.page.html',
  styleUrls: ['./cal-update-modal.page.scss'],
  standalone: true,
  imports: [IonicModule, CommonModule, FormsModule],
export class CalUpdateModalPage implements OnInit {
  @Input() id!: string; // id of the event taken from the modal component props
  @Input() event!: Event; // event object
  // input decorator is used here to pass the id of the event to the modal component

  formattedStartTime!: string;
  formattedEndTime!: string;
  isoStartTimeInIST!: string;

    private modalCtrl: ModalController,
    private diaryDataService: DiaryDataService,
    private toastCtrl: ToastController
  ) {}

  ngOnInit() {
    this.diaryDataService.getEventById(this.id).subscribe((res) => {
      this.event = res;

  updateStartTime(event: any) {
    // update the startTime property of the newEvent object with the value from the ion-datetime
    // console.log('startTime: ' + event.detail.value);
    this.event.startTime = new Date(event.detail.value);

  updateEndTime(event: any) {
    // update the endTime property of the newEvent object with the value from the ion-datetime
    // console.log('endTime: ' + event.detail.value);
    this.event.endTime = new Date(event.detail.value);

  //update event in firestore
  async updateEvent() {
    await this.diaryDataService.updateEvent(this.event);
    await this.modalCtrl.dismiss();
    // create a toast message to show that the event has been updated
    const toast = await this.toastCtrl.create({
      message: 'Event updated',
      duration: 2000,
    await toast.present();

  //delete event from firestore
  async deleteEvent() {
    await this.diaryDataService.deleteEventById(this.event);
    await this.modalCtrl.dismiss();
    // create a toast message to show that the event has been deleted
    const toast = await this.toastCtrl.create({
      message: 'Event deleted',
      duration: 2000,
    await toast.present();

  //dismiss modal
  async cancelEvent() {
    await this.modalCtrl.dismiss();

  dismissModal() {
    //dismiss the modal

In the above code, the component receives two inputs using the @Input decorator: id, which is the id of the event being updated, and event, which is the event object itself. The component also has several properties and methods:

  • formattedStartTime, formattedEndTime, and isoStartTimeInIST: These are properties that are initialized without a value and may be set later in the component's lifecycle.
  • constructor: This method is used for dependency injection and initializes instances of the ModalController, DiaryDataService, and ToastController classes.
  • ngOnInit: This lifecycle hook is called after the constructor and is used to fetch the event data from the DiaryDataService by calling the getEventById method, passing in the id value as an argument. When the observable returned by the getEventById method emits a response, the event property is set to the event data.
  • updateStartTime and updateEndTime: These methods are called when the user updates the start or end time of the event by selecting a new value from an ion-datetime component. They set the startTime or endTime property of the event object to the selected value, respectively.
  • updateEvent and deleteEvent: These methods are called when the user clicks the "Save" or "Delete" button, respectively. They use the DiaryDataService to update or delete the event from the database, and then dismiss the modal using the ModalController. They also display a toast message to the user to indicate that the operation was successful.
  • cancelEvent and dismissModal: These methods are called when the user clicks the "Cancel" or "Close" button, respectively. They simply dismiss the modal using the ModalController.

Next, I will use this logic to build the template file in cal-update-modal.page.html file like this:

<ion-header [translucent]="true">
    <ion-title>Update Event</ion-title>
    <ion-button slot="end" fill="clear" (click)="dismissModal()">
      <ion-icon slot="icon-only" color="dark" name="close"></ion-icon>

<ion-content [fullscreen]="true">
  <ion-list lines="none">
        label="Event Title"

        label="Event Description"

      <ion-label>Start Date</ion-label>
      <ion-datetime-button datetime="datetime"></ion-datetime-button>
      <ion-modal [keepContentsMounted]="true">

      <ion-label>End Date</ion-label>
      <ion-datetime-button datetime="datetime3"></ion-datetime-button>
      <ion-modal [keepContentsMounted]="true">

      class="ion-padding ion-margin"
      Update Event
      class="ion-padding ion-margin"
      Delete Event
      class="ion-padding ion-margin"

Each ion-item component represents a form input field for the user to update the corresponding event property. The ion-input component is used to create an input field for the event title and description. The ngModel directive is used to bind the value of the input field to the event.title and event.description properties of the component, respectively.

The ion-datetime component is used to create an input field for the event start and end dates. The ion-datetime-button component is used to create a button that opens a modal containing the ion-datetime component when clicked. The keepContentsMounted property is set to true to ensure that the content of the modal is not destroyed when it is dismissed. The ng-template component is used to create the content of the modal. The value property of the ion-datetime component is bound to the event.startTime and event.endTime properties of the component, respectively. The ionChange event of the ion-datetime component is bound to the updateStartTime() and updateEndTime() methods of the component, respectively, which update the event.startTime and event.endTime properties of the component when the date input field is changed.

Lastly, the component contains three ion-button components for updating, deleting, and canceling the event. And with this, the calendar works fine with the events CRUD operations using Firebase console as demonstrated in Figures 66 to 71 below:

Figure 66: Add Event

Figure 67: Add Date

Figure 68: Event Added

Figure 69: Update Event

Figure 70: Event in Week View

Figure 71: Event in Day View


In this sixteenth installment of our series on building a multiplatform application with Angular-15 and Ionic-7, we explored the integration of the Firebase Database with the Ionic Calendar to display events and perform CRUD operations within our app. By combining these powerful technologies, we created a seamless event management system that allows users to view, create, update, and delete events directly within the Ionic Calendar.

Effective event management is essential for many applications, and by integrating Firebase Database with the Ionic Calendar in our Angular-15 Ionic-7 app, we provided users with a comprehensive solution for organizing and tracking their schedules. Users can effortlessly create new events, view existing events, modify event details, and remove unwanted events, all while ensuring data integrity through Firebase Database.

Throughout this tutorial, we guided you through the process of setting up Firebase, initializing Firebase Database, and configuring security rules to protect and manage event data. We enhanced our calendar interface to dynamically display events, providing users with a visual representation of their schedules directly within the Ionic Calendar.

Furthermore, we delved into the implementation details, demonstrating how to perform CRUD operations on events using Firebase Database. By following best practices for event management, data organization, and error handling, we ensured a seamless and efficient event management experience for users.

As you move forward, consider exploring additional features and enhancements to further customize and optimize your event management system. Firebase Database offers real-time synchronization and querying capabilities that can elevate the functionality of your app. Stay updated with the latest updates from Firebase and Angular to leverage new features and improvements that can enhance your event management capabilities.

We hope this tutorial has provided you with valuable insights and practical knowledge on integrating Firebase Database with the Ionic Calendar in your Angular-15 Ionic-7 app. By embracing the power of these technologies, you can create an app that offers a comprehensive and efficient event management experience for your users.

Thank you for joining us on this journey as we explored the fascinating world of app development with Angular-15, Ionic-7, Firebase Database, and the Ionic Calendar. Stay tuned for future installments where we will continue to explore new features and functionalities to make our app even more robust and user-friendly.

Happy coding!

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