Refining Data Presentation: Filtering Displayed Data Based on Parameters using Set Constructor (Part 3) in Your Angular-15 Ionic-7 App

Welcome to Part 3 of our series, "Refining Data Presentation: Filtering Displayed Data Based on Parameters using Set Constructor," in Your Angular-15 Ionic-7 App! In this installment, we'll explore the powerful Set constructor and learn how to filter displayed data based on parameters in our app.

As our app grows and our data sets become larger, it becomes essential to provide efficient ways for users to access and navigate through the information they need. By implementing data filtering based on parameters, we can refine the data presentation and tailor it to the specific needs and preferences of our users.

In Part 2, we explored the art of displaying data details on separate pages using Angular routing, taking our app's user experience to new heights. Now, in Part 3, we'll continue enhancing our app by leveraging the Set constructor to filter the displayed data.

The Set constructor, a powerful feature of JavaScript, allows us to create collections of unique values. By using it in conjunction with Angular-15 and Ionic-7, we can filter our data based on specific parameters, such as categories, tags, or user preferences.

Throughout this tutorial, we'll guide you through the process of implementing data filtering using the Set constructor. We'll cover topics such as creating filter options, applying filters to the data set, and dynamically updating the displayed data based on user selections.

By the end of this article, you'll have the knowledge and skills to refine the data presentation in your Angular-15 Ionic-7 app, providing users with a personalized and focused experience.

So, are you ready to refine the way your app presents data? Join us in Part 3 of our series as we explore the power of the Set constructor and implement data filtering based on parameters in your Angular-15 Ionic-7 app.

Get ready to refine and impress!


On the modules page, I will create a filter feature that allows students to filter the module list based on the location they select. To begin, I write the logic to create a locations array that will extract all the location values from our modules array and store them to be used to display them in a select UI component. In the file, I write the following logic:

export class Tab1Page implements OnInit {
  copyModules: any = []; // will use this for filtering based on location
  // create a variable to store the selected location
  selectedLocation: string[] = [];
  filteredModules: any = this.modules.modules;

  // inject module service into the constructor
    private moduleService: ModuleServiceService,
    private modalCtrl: ModalController
  ) {}

  // call the getModuleData() method when the page loads
  ngOnInit() {
    // call the getModuleData() method
  getModuleData() {
		this.copyModules = this.modules.modules; // will use this for filtering based on location

  get uniqueLocations() {
    const locations = Array.from(
      new Set( Module) => module.location))
    return locations;
  // filter modules by module location
  filterModulesByLocation(locations: string[]) {...}

The above Tab1Page class is a continuation of the one I created earlier for display module data. Here I began by creating a copyModules array which would be a copy of the newModules array I used earlier to loop through and display data on the main module page. This is important and took a while to figure out, because without this copy, I had a bug where if a user selects a location option, not only the module array on module gets filtered, but the list of options within the filter feature also gets reduced to the single location. This didn’t allow the user to select any other location after one was selected.

Once the copyModules array is initiated, I use a getter method called uniqueLocations. A getter is a method that gets the value of a specific property. In this case, the uniqueLocations getter returns an array of unique locations. The code uses the Array.from() method to create a new array from an iterable object. The object in this case is a new Set object that contains all the unique locations from an array of modules called copyModules. The map() method is used to extract the location property from each module object in the array. This method uses the map() method to create a new array of all location names in copyModules, and then the Set object to remove duplicates. Finally, the Array.from() method is used to convert the Set object back to an array. With this, the dropdown list will now only display each location name once, even if it appears multiple times in the newModules array. Finally, the return statement returns the array of unique locations.

Next, I have created the filterModulesByLocation(locations: string[]){} method that takes an array of strings as a parameter.

// filter modules by module location
  filterModulesByLocation(locations: string[]) {
	if (locations.includes('all') || locations.length === 0) {
      this.filteredModules = this.modules.modules;
    } else {
      this.filteredModules = this.modules.modules.filter((module: Module) => {
        return locations.includes(module.location);
    this.newModules = this.filteredModules;

The array represents the locations of modules. It filters the modules by their location and assigns the result to two variables: this.filteredModules and this.newModules. The function uses the following logic:

If the array contains the string 'all' as value or is empty, then the function does not filter anything and assigns all the modules to the two variables.

Otherwise, the function uses the filter method to create a new array of modules that match the location criteria. The filter method takes a callback function as an argument, which returns true or false for each module. The callback function checks if the module's location property is included in the array of locations. The function assigns the new array to the two variables.

Once the logic is written, I begin using these variable to display the selection list on template (in continuation to the previous template to view module data) like this:

<ion-header [translucent]="false">

<ion-content [fullscreen]="true" *ngIf="newModules">
  <!-- filter drop down from ionic select component -->
    <ion-item lines="none">
        label="Filter by Location"
        aria-label="Filter by Location"
        <ion-select-option value="all">All Locations</ion-select-option>
          *ngFor="let location of uniqueLocations"
          {{ location }}

Above, I have used the Ionic Select UI component from ion-select: Select One or Multiple Value Boxes or Placeholders ( where multiple attributes allows users to select multiple location options. The ionChange event listener tracks when the component changes which triggers the filter method I created earlier. The [(ngModel)] is a two-way data binding syntax that allows me to pass the selectedLocation property to and fro the typescript logic and the template file. Then within the ion-select-option where I’ll have the list of all locations, I have used the *ngFor angular directive to loop through the uniqueLocations array of individual locations, and the [value] property one-way data binding will take in the location property from the TS logic. I have also created a separate option with all locations with a value of ‘all’ to allow users to view all locations’ modules. Finally, the {{ location }} string interpolation will display the location value in the selection options list. Figure 6 and Figure 7 demonstrate how the filter works:

Figure 6: Filter by location options

Figure 7: Modules filtered by location

When I was working on this feature, there were several bugs like multiple location copies would show up in the options list because I didn’t remove the duplicates; then on selection, the locations list would also get filtered; and when all options were deselected all modules would vanish from the modules page. All of them took a while to figure out but ultimately if the logic works properly and all the edge cases are tested properly, it is possible to get it functional.


Congratulations on reaching the conclusion of Part 3 in our series, "Refining Data Presentation: Filtering Displayed Data Based on Parameters using Set Constructor," in Your Angular-15 Ionic-7 App! We've covered a lot of ground in this installment, exploring the power of the Set constructor and learning how to filter displayed data based on parameters.

By now, you should have a solid understanding of how to use the Set constructor to create filter options, apply filters to your data set, and dynamically update the displayed data based on user selections. This feature empowers you to refine the data presentation in your app, providing users with a personalized and focused experience.

Data filtering based on parameters is a crucial aspect of creating an efficient and user-friendly app. By implementing this functionality in your Angular-15 Ionic-7 app, you enable users to access and navigate through the information that matters most to them.

But our journey doesn't end here. In the upcoming parts of this series, we'll continue to enhance our app's functionality and explore more advanced techniques. You can look forward to learning about data sorting, pagination, advanced filtering options, and much more.

Remember, the key to mastering data presentation and filtering lies in practice and experimentation. Take the knowledge you've gained from Part 3 and apply it to your own app development projects. Explore different filter options, adapt the concepts to your specific data sets, and create a refined and personalized experience for your users.

Thank you for joining us on this exciting journey of refining data presentation. We hope this series has inspired you to leverage the power of the Set constructor and Angular-15 Ionic-7 to create remarkable apps with sophisticated data filtering capabilities.

Stay connected and keep an eye out for the upcoming parts of this series. Let's continue our quest of refining data presentation and taking your Angular-15 Ionic-7 app to new heights!

Happy coding!

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