9 Reasons Why You Should Learn Coding as a UI/UX or Visual Designer

I've heard, seen, and, personally, been through this dilemma of code or not to code for months now. In this article, I'm going to share with you 9 solid reasons why I believe learning to code will be a profitable investment on your end as a designer in the 21st century. 

But before I begin, I know some of you may believe differently and that's totally respectable. I don't intend to convince you to enroll yourself in a coding Bootcamp. 

I intend you to look at the infinite possibilities that open up when you, as a designer, supplement your design career with development tools like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular, React, etc. 


"But I'm a designer. I don't need to learn to code. Plus it's so boring and monotonous. I would rather spend my time designing some beautiful UI screens for this hypothesis app. Plus I never wanted to be an engineer. Give me one good reason why I should learn coding as a UX/UI designer!"

This is the most common argument any designer would put up when confronted with the idea of learning how to code. I was one of them. But then something weird happened to me. 

Up until last year, I was perfectly fine with just knowing the basics of visual design, some design software from Adobe, and tons of practice in making print graphic layouts. But then something changed...

What convinced me to learn to code?

I was doing just fine as a visual designer. I was able to make static pdf documents that looked pretty neat and interesting. I could create simple and sophisticated marketing collaterals such as Social media posts, newsletters, and presentations for my clients and myself. I was very well versed with typography, colors, layouts, and other graphic design-related stuff. 


But there was something lacking. I could feel it in my gut. The digital experience was going to hit me hard in the stomach. The world wide web and the pace at which people were moving to the virtual world were alarming for designers all across the world. It was taking away all the attention from print media and static forms of visual design. 

Designers with conventional jobs or traditional skills were soon going to go out of business. But at the same time, it opened up tremendous opportunities to take visual design beyond the physical borders of canvas size, print size, ink, billboards, and other forms of platforms. 

Digital screens now made it possible to create responsive designs that transform according to the screen you viewed. Motion design and animations were going to revolutionize digital experiences. 

I was overwhelmed by such a dynamic future of digital media. I didn't want to be left behind. So I started my own research on web and app building. I stood up late at night studying and learning all about UX and UI design. Heck, I even completed the very famous Google's UX Design Certificate Course. I tried building websites using templates and website builders like Elementor and Webflow. I taught myself Figma and Adobe XD for wireframing and prototyping screens. 


But I could never build a functional web page or app that I wanted! I would imagine a cool design feature but could only sketch it out or visually create it in design software. There were all sorts of limitations and subscriptions with these builders. All because I was too afraid to learn to code. I have hated coding and computer programming since high school. 

But all this refrain had to end now. I no longer wanted to be the designer who acted like an architect and made all the construction drawings and beautiful renderings but could never build anything in reality. So, here are my 9 reasons why I started learning web and app development with both designing and coding in one package.

To save time, jump to a section from: 

1. You'll Understand the Fundamentals

You surely cannot build a house without a solid foundation. It'll simply topple. 

Knowing web development languages will provide you with a fundamental understanding of the web before you get on with the design. 

Once you'll learn how the web works, how the different elements on a web page relate to each other, and how all the pages are connected to each other on the web, you'll be able to design better. 


HTML5 teaches you how important semantics and tagging are for the content on a web page. It's a markup language and without this language, we cannot tell our internet browsers that this paragraph is supposed to be under this heading. Think of it as a skeleton of the web page. 

Similarly, CSS is a language that tells your browsers that the background of this page should be light grey and the links should be blue. It's all about the way content appears on the screen. Think of it as the skin of a body with the HTML as the skeleton structure. 

man-people-woman-hand holding html5 sign

Lastly, JavaScript is the language that makes everything functional on the web page. It is responsible for making everything work perfectly on the page from subscription forms to ad banners. Think of it as the muscular system and the rest of the organ systems in the body that help us live every day. 

Now I know, it's the job of developers to know coding and all these languages. But if designers are also well versed in the development fundamentals, it makes the whole process of working on a digital product much simpler. 

2. You'll bridge the gap between Form and Function

Designers love to dive deep into complex visual experiments. They love to play around with gradients, realistic textures, 3d visualizations, and crazy typography. They enjoy creating glass effects, complex animations, and visuals that can be too artistic. 


Often, if not controlled, they end up making designs that are simply not feasible. They can be impossible for the development teams to build. They can be too heavy to load for end users on their slow 3g internet connections. They can also be too confusing or too out of contrast or too much to consume. It could take forever for the user to find out what they were looking for to actually complete their tasks. They could consume a lot of precious development time and energy simply to create a feature that doesn't bring any value to the product. 

In short, designers should be familiar with coding in order to make more feasible design decisions beforehand. This would save the product teams a lot of time, effort, and money.

3. You'll be able to Build what you Design

I had a client that wanted to build his company's website but didn't have the budget to hire a full-fledged design agency. So I offered him a reasonable deal and started off with the project. Of course, I didn't know how to code but I wanted the project and I was willing to figure out a solution on my own.  

Halfway through the web design, I realized that without adequate knowledge of code, I'll have to depend on a lousy web template. Since I had no choice and the clock was ticking away, I resorted to the template solution. Do you know where I got stuck? 


The moment my client and I agreed to change the layout of the way blog posts were displayed on the website. We both hated it but since I couldn't build my own designs, I had no alternative but to forfeit and find my way out of the change. 

Since then, I've come a long way and today, when I wish to enter a content navigation list to my blog posts, like on this one, I open the HTML editor without fear. I go down to the content list and nest it within nav tags while providing each list item with an anchor tag linking to the heading tags of each heading that has a suitable id tag. Similarly, if my blog images are messed up. I add the suitable width and lazy loading tags in the HTML editor.


Didn't get the above HTML semantics? Don't worry. Simply learn to code. You'll be able to build what you desire without succumbing to cookie-cutter templates or waiting for help. 

4. You'll be able to talk to your Developer Mates 

Ever been on a professional team and still felt left out on purpose? That's how some UI UX designers feel in product teams. 

Once the designers are done with their high-fidelity prototypes, it's time for them to sit down with their developer colleagues and hand over the design for development. Word by word. Pixel by pixel. Line by line. 


At times, if the designers are unaware of the development, it can be a bit difficult to communicate the designs. How so? Let's say you're communicating a design feature that involves an image. 

Now you want this image to work perfectly on different screen sizes. The developer asks for different image sizes for her to code all the sizes for different situations. You just don't get it. You argue with her about why one single can't work well with all screen sizes. The developer tells you that it'll be heavier to load and might get pixelated. You still don't get it and sadly, you don't have different sizes of the same image. 


What happens? You end up in a spat with the developer and this becomes an HR issue. HR calls you in and tells you that you need to improve your communication skills and teamwork spirit. All because you couldn't take out some time to get a good grasp of coding so that you could be beer buddies with your developer colleagues!

5. You'll be able to set yourself apart in the market

Do you know who is a unicorn in the web industry? A full stack developer with vast knowledge and skills in front-end development, back-end development, and UI UX Design. A complete package. Obviously, they're rare to find and companies all across the globe are looking for such creatures. 

But if we look at the current market demand in this field, we'll find that companies are looking for professionals that possess a multitude of skills and flexibility and adaptability to stay fresh in the job market. 


For the past few months I've been digging up jobs on LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, and many other platforms, and guess what I found for UX UI Designers? Everyone's job description says that you need a basic understanding of HTML CSS and JavaScript. All of them are looking for, and are willing to pay a hefty amount for such mini unicorns. 

Moreover, UX UI design has become so popular so quickly that more people entering this field means that there's more competition than ever. So how do you, as a designer, make yourself stand apart from the competition? 

You up-skill yourself with coding knowledge. You follow the T shape skill curve that says you ought to be efficient at a variety of skills, such as the horizontal line of T, and specialize in one field i.e. the vertical line of T.  You could specialize in accessibility design while possessing the vast knowledge of web and app design and development along with the functioning of several assistive technologies. 


What's the best part about all this? You'll never become redundant in your professional career. You'll never be looked down upon by young talent. You'll never be tossed away for promotion. You'll be able to ask for a raise without a hint of hesitation. And finally, you'll be able to become financially independent by setting up your own sources of passive income or side hustles or hell, even your own business. 

6. You'll appreciate the effort that goes into development

It's commonly said that managers don't understand how their employees get the work done. It's also said that the design and effort that goes into designing are often overlooked and under-appreciated in our society. Some even say that bosses don't care about designs, they care about profits and ROIs. But what about the effort put into actually building a digital product? 

Do you know how many lines of code have to be written to set up a simple 'Hello World' page on HTML? Approximately 150. Without styling on CSS or programming on JavaScript. 

I realized this when I sat down myself and spent 18 hours learning and writing the most basic HTML semantics. It was exhausting. 

Eventually, VS code editor did make the job simpler with its automation but writing code is still an extremely difficult and valuable task. One missing bracket and the page won't show up. 


What's more difficult? Finding the missing bracket among the hundreds of lines of code. It's like finding a needle in a haystack. 

And did I talk about building a strong memory for all the semantics? While styling a border in CSS, you can give different values to different properties by typing them in the correct order of border width, style, and color. I found it really hard yet rewarding to memorize such orders and tags that are necessary for the page to function. 

So, as a designer, it's easy for you to change the page styling by simply selecting some functions in the right bar of Figma or Photoshop. It's tons and tons of lines of code for a developer. Once you learn how to code you'll understand and ultimately, learn to appreciate the task.

7. You'll be able to build your own products and monetize them

Have you ever had a mind-blowing idea for a mobile app that could possibly make you a millionaire? But all you could do is sketch out your idea and look for developers to build it for you. There goes the dream of making money out of your own apps and web services. All because you didn't want to learn to code? 

With inflation on the rise and companies cutting back their budgets by laying off employees in mass numbers, having a personal business or a passive income source seems necessary. 


With coding knowledge in your head and development skills in your hands, you could build the next revolutionary digital products and make an impact on others' lives. 

And possibly earn way more than your day job from selling digital products like ebooks, templates, graphics, images, and other resources; selling subscriptions to high-quality content; affiliate marketing for other companies based on your readership; earning ad revenue from your websites and apps, and selling several online services. Take leverage of the creator market and attention economy. 

There are infinite possibilities in today's digital market space. Code is the new crude oil of the 21st century. It can make you rich while you're asleep on your comfy bed with your lover. 

8. You'll be able to take your design skills to a whole new level

Web development languages allow you to experiment with designs beyond your wildest imaginations. 

Up until now, designers were restricted by physical dimensions. But the digital dimensions allow endless possibilities. One could experiment with all visual design principles in ways that are practically impossible in print. 


Code can create immersive experiences that experiment with motion design within typography and illustrations. It can change the way navigation works on different web pages. Hop onto the website of Apple and you'll realize what I'm talking about. 

9. You'll be able to make a successful career transition

If you're the one who's stuck in a field you don't enjoy anymore and would do anything to get into UI UX design, I've got some good news for you. Web development and design and related fields don't need you to hold a lawyer's license or a medical practitioner's years of experience. Almost anyone with enough grit and passion for learning about digital media can make a career hop here. 

I myself belong to an architecture background. It took me 5 years of grad school to get my architecture license and 3 years of working in the field to realize that architecture is not what I wanted to spend my life on. But the transition wasn't easy. It isn't complete yet so I must not stress much here. It took me months of studying and learning and preparing portfolio projects and applying for UX schools to finally get a break. 


With time, I've realized that this field is overcrowded with professionals and amateurs from all kinds of academic and non-academic backgrounds. So, what could I do to make myself different from everyone else? What could I do to make up for all those years spent studying architecture when I could've learned about the web? 

A dear friend of mine advised me to learn web development to truly excel on this path. Recruiters and executives are always looking for people with interesting backgrounds and the ability to harvest multiple skills. It doesn't give the impression of being a jack of all trades master of none. 

Rather, it shows that you're a quick learner, enthusiastic, problem solver, a go-getter, proactive, and above all, possibly a valuable resource to the enterprise. It conveys that your professional values are way beyond what society defines for you. It shows that you're willing to get out of your comfort zone, willing to learn an alien language of the web, and portray perseverance to push beyond your limitations.  

What if I don't want to code? 

Hey, it's your life. It's your decision. And you'll be the one bearing the fruits of your decisions. 

Here I would say that ultimately coding is not for everybody. Not everyone enjoys sitting in front of a computer screen and typing hundreds of lines of code. Not everyone can grasp the logic of web languages and programming. Not everyone is made for a job that involves hours and hours of coding with bursts of frustration when the code doesn't work. Not everyone likes to work on the development side of the web. 


Some prefer to stay on the research and design end of the web. Some find joy in conducting usability tests and competitive audits and interviews for UX research. Some prefer to stay with the visual design of screens. Some prefer working on copywriting or UX writing along with marketing teams. 

Some wouldn't mind sticking their heads in the information architecture of digital products. And there are some who would rather stick to back-end development with the server side of the web rather than taking up the extra work of front-end development. 

Every individual is different with different strengths and weaknesses and interests. If you don't want to learn to code, then don't. Although I would suggest, from personal experience, not to give up before trying something. 

If you try coding and end up enjoying it, then go ahead and sharpen your skills every day. There are tons of resources available for you in the information age. I started learning with freeCodeCamp because I enjoy their style of teaching web languages. 

I've come to realize that before getting a strong hold on design, I need a stronghold of development. Maybe your realization turns out differently than mine. But you wouldn't know if you didn't give it a try. 

The above article was to simply show you the benefits of an added skill in your quiver. If your views are different from mine, I respect them and feel free to comment. 

If you found the above article exciting or interesting or if you gained anything valuable from this, do me a favor, and leave a comment, or better, share it with your friends, family members, colleagues, batchmates, buddies, and your social circle! 

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